Pridruži se mladinski izmenjavi v Italiji in Litvi

| Mednarodni projekti

Ali si star/a od 18-25 let in te zanima področje človekovih pravic, diskriminacije, sovražnega govora in problematika neenakosti spolov? Potem si pravi/a za mladinski izmenjavi, ki bosta letos, v mesecu juniju potekali v Italiji (Macerata) in Litvi (Karsakiskis)!

Izmenjavi sta del projekta Stay Human – human rights education progamme, v katerem kot sodelujoči partner sodelujemo tudi mi, Zavod Nefiks.
Naša naloga je, da na vsako izmenjavo pošljemo 5 motiviranih udeležencev!
Želiš sodelovati?
- Prijave zbiramo na email: international@nefiks.si
- V prijavi na kratko opiše sebe, na katero izmenjavo se prijavljaš, ter svojo motivacijo za sodelovanje.
- Prijave pošljite do 16.4.2017!

Več informacij o izmenjavah

Youth Exchange "HATE SPEECH" - Karsakiskis (Lithuania)
17th-25th June 2017
Hosting organisation: Informal Youth Group "Changemakers"

Youth Exchange program with the following objectives:
• to develop the knowledge and skills of participants to identify hate speech and to motivate them to become activists for human rights;
• to raise awareness about hate speech issues and change attitude towards it, while mobilizing young people to act against it;
• to develop together with participants educational alternative responses to hate speech;
• to develop critical thinking among participants and let them to define dangers that hate speech can cause to human dignity and to define the balance between civil rights protection and civil liberties;
• to break down myths and prejudice about some of the most common targets of hate speech;
• to increase the understanding of the place of dissemination of hate speech (e.g. written press, audiovisual media, art, online);
• to understand human rights themselves and the way they apply both in offline as well as online settings;

To the youth Exchange are invited 1 group leader  + 5 participants (18-25 years old).

Youth Exchange "GENDER BASED VIOLENCE" - Macerata (Italy)
10th-18th June 2017
Hosting organisation: InOut

Youth Exchange program with the following objectives:
• to enhance knowledge about gender equality and women’s rights
• to raise awareness on gender based violence, in particular about violence against women who are the major abuse victims;
• to address the underlying causes of this kind of discrimination and inequality, in order to recognize them;
• to create awareness about the consequences of machismo, both for men and women;
• to create common understanding about the universality of the problem which concern and affect both men and women;
• to develop tools aimed to prevent gender based violence;
• to stimulate young people to speak up for gender equality and for violence ending;
• to show support for the local victims of violence, for instance during the final event.

To the youth Exchange are invited 1 group leader + 5 participants (18-25 years old).



Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.

   Zavod Nefiks
            Ob dolenjski železnici 12
            1000 Ljubljana


    +386 40 698 915


Pisarna: PON-PET → 10:00-13:00
Telefon: PON-PET → 9:00-16:00