Ravno to metodo smo raziskovali pri projektu strateškega partnerstva Show your own gold, ki ga financira program Erasmus +.
SHOW YOUR OWN GOLD project results
General aim of the project is improvement of vocational preparation of young people by supporting:
• Self-development
• Autorship
• Collaboration
• Communication
• Multimodality
• Digital presence
In Slovenia we focused on reaching the aim and specific goals of the project by making infographics and Video CV's (called biographical narratives). Our target group were young unemployed people (aged 16 – 25) who are still in the process of education, those who already finished their education and are in the process of job seeking and those who have not yet finished their education or for some reasons dropped out of the educational system (high school, university).
In March 2016 one group of young people that wanted to create their biographical narratives was formed. We had workshops and meetings once per week and we finished making the biographical narratives in the end of May 2016. In May and June 2016 and from October to December 2016 we carried out workshops for other groups of young people who were given the opportunity to make their own biographical narrative. In May 2016 we worked with young job seekers and in June 2016 we worked with young people from program PUMO (Project learning for young adults - dropouts) and a group of young unemployed people who were in the process of actively seeking a job. From October to December 2016 we carried out workshops for young people from High School of Economics (Srednja ekonomska šola Ljubljana - Roška) and some groups of young job seekers.
One of the most important Slovenian newspapers (Delo) published an article about our work: http://www.delo.si/gospodarstvo/kariera/dveminutni-posnetek-namesto-tipkanega-zivljenjepisa.html
The outputs from our workshops were presented on NEXTival - the festival of youth that took place on Kongresni trg in the city center of Ljubljana on 2nd of June 2016. NEXTival is organized every year by the non-governmental associaton Zavod Bob with the aim to present various interesting projects from organizations working in the field of youth work and non-formal education. After the festival, we published an article about our presentation (where you can also find a link to some of the video CV’s):
The official international web page of the project where you can find more information: http://www.trainingforgold.eu/
The final (multiplier) event of the project will take place in Barcelona on the 6th of July 2017. You can find the program of the event and the registration form here: https://esbrina.eu/en/portfolio/rethinking-pre-vocational-education-to-support-young-europeans-on-their-way-from-school-to-work-3/
Here are some examples of the infographics that were created during the workshops:
Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.