Nothing is further from reality. EVS is just an incredible opportunity to grown in all of the fields of your life.

When we are talking about being a volunteering it means to participate in one project or your own project, not as a worker, but as a volunteer abroad. (In most cases you will do it in countries from EU, but there are projects in other part of the world too).
If your first thinking is that volunterring is to do the same chore as working without money, let me say: from my experience, you are wrong.
For sure with volunteering you can access many professional fields, more than working, and it is a great idea if you want to get experience or try one specific profesional area such as in a youth organization, on ecological farms, working with children, animals, as a designer, within human rights… etc.

Do not forget when you are a worker the main focus of your responsability and your time, is just the benefit of your company (it is this one that pays you). While you are volunteer this focus is divided between your organisation and yourself because what you want to do, to give, and to learn is really important in these kind of projects, where your funding comes from a European Program.
So, doing volunteering you will have enough time to enjoy your new surroundings, while you are getting a lot of new tools that will make you a more prepared person for your future.
Imagine for one moment you can live in a different country, knowing new people , new places, and having your own independence in the bigest sense of this word (financial, emotional, time…)
Another good point is the possibility to learn or improve another language and a lot of competences that they will seem perfect on your new Curriculum Vitae.
And let us talk about the money! Doing an EVS you will not earn a lot of money for planning your hypothetical future or buying the most fancy things that you want. But, you will have enough money for living and enjoying your magical present.

Finally you will have the opportunity to meet others EVS creating one microworld of different nationalities that for sure will give you a privileged view of the world.
Right now, I am in my fourth month of EVS, and I can say that I am living one of the most beautiful experiences in my live, and I dont know anybody who says he or she regrets having participated in a EVS.
If you want more information about EVS program: