I came to Dublin with a colleague of mine from the Slovenian group, and before we even got there, the Irish team provided us with all the necassary information that we needed for a carefree trip to Dublin, our Hostel and our meeting point. And with the help of Google and my personal favourite free offline gps app "Here we go" there wasn't a chance we could got lost.

It wasn't even planned before, but the APV days coherence with the Pride Parade 2018 in Dublin, and I felt so amazed to be, not only involved in the Beyond labels programme, but also to be able whitnessing and experiencing LGBT+ activism in Dublin on spot.

We meet participants from Ireland, The Netherlands, Romania, Lithuania and Spain. In the few days I've been able to spend with them, I could admire their passion for working towards a common goal of creating not only a programme for young LGBT+ people so that they can learn and explore more about themselfs, but also to present and helping them to develope their own skills and knowledge about rasing awearness on LGBT+ topics which maybe is going to inspire them to help empower others in there countries our other countries around the world.
All around it was a very wonderful experience not only because of what the programme is promising, but for me specially because of the people involved in it I'll had the chance to meet, admire and cooperate with.

I'm excited and eager for the experience of the program to start in his full potential.
Katja Zgoznik, udeleženka APV (pred-pripravljalnega srečanja za mednarodno izmenjavo Beyond labels

Projekt je del programa Erasmus+, ki ga financira Evropska unija.