The Virgilio Sieni National Dance Production Center proposes on Saturday 23rd October 2021, from 2 p.m to 6:30 p.m. at CANGO Cantieri Culturali Goldonetta (Florence) and live streaming on the Youtube channel “Accademia sull’arte del gesto”, the final event of the European project InterArts: Youth Communities for Social Inclusion.
The project, co-financed by the Erasmus + 2014-2021 program, and coordinated by the Virgilio Sieni National Dance Production Center, saw the participation of seven youth organizations - Inter Alia from Greece, Zavod Nefiks from Slovenia, Asociacion Juvenil Teatral On & Off from Spain, Inadiavel from Portugal, Ars for progress of people from Belgium and Carpe Diem from Croatia -, which involved young people from all over Europe with the aim of using different artistic forms to promote social inclusion, mutual knowledge, the development of sentiment of community and citizenship.
2 pm Welcome Daniela Giuliano / Centro Nazionale di produzione della danza Virgilio Sieni
2.15 pm
Vittorio Giorgetti / Art for Progress of People, Belgium
InterArts - the project, the objectives and the achieved results (in English)
Vittorio Giorgetti is an independent consultant with several years of experience in the fields of grant design, project management and communication. He has been involved in different projects with a focus on youth participation and inclusion through cultural and political activities. Vittorio was one of the developers of InterArts, besides managing its website throughout the project timeframe.
2.45 pm
Video: InterArts Educational Video - ART UNITES
Presentation curated by Boyka Boneva / Interalia, Greece (in English)
Boyka Boneva is a youth worker and an international trainer in non-formal education. She has worked in different European countries as well as in Africa, Asia and Latin America. She has co-authored and managed numerous projects in the fields of youth work, youth policy and youth empowerment. She is drawn by feminist theory and intersectionality and works on ways of applying the respective concepts in her work at Inter Alia. Currently Boyka pursues a Master degree in Gender Studies titled "Intersectionality and Change" at the Linkoping University, Sweden, looking into ways to empower and increase the agents of change.
3.15 pm
Talk by Sabrina Tosi Cambini / Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Parma
Art faces the challenges of the city. Some reflections on the connection between bodies in movement, creativity and social issues.
Brief exploration into the artistic and symbolic languages, especially those of the body, as concrete possibilities of change and transformation in the relationships with others and with the places of urban life. Also, the potential of the artistic and creative practices in the “participation” projects will be discussed.
3.45 pm
Coffee Break + guided tour at Michelle Davis’s exhibition born from the workshop Anatomy of a friendship
4.15 pm
Physical theater workshop, open to all
led by Association Juvenil Teatral On&Off, Spain
Rumours' is a workshop that reflects on the hateful speeches and rumors in which we participate in our day-to-day lives. We provide a space for experimentation and expression, using theatrical techniques to facilitate a space for reflection and creation of scenes that recreate hate speech (gestural and verbal) and how to identify the exclusive or inclusive actions we perform, sometimes unconsciously. The objective is: to become aware and begin to act in an inclusive way, abandoning paternalisms, superiorities and exclusions that respect old models of relationship between human beings. 'Rumors' is an attempt to shake consciences to walk together to a more human world.
5.45 pm
Lesson on the gesture, open to all
led by Giulia Mureddu / Virgilio Sieni Academy of the Art of The Gesture, Florence
The lesson is open to everybody who desire to approach body language without dance knowledge. A lesson on living the body and the surrounding space. A path of awareness around primary gestures, “sweet” practices on listening to the body, on the importance and beauty of movement that becomes dance in dialogue with everyday life. The lesson will be based on a vocabulary of actions, walking, turning, the quality of the gesture, gravity and resonance.
6.30 pm
Final greetings
Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.