Tema: Jasna komunikacija, emocionalna stanja in ustrezna raba jezika
Kdaj: V soboto, 29. januarja 2022
Lokacija: Sporočimo naknadno ob prijavi
Dvourno srečanje omogoča podporo vsaki fazi izvajanju govora, prezentacije, delavnice in/ ali kakršne koli (po)učne ure:
- deljenje sporočila v določenem časovnem okviru,
- preokvirjanje lastnega emocionalnega stanja,
- (upo)raba jezika in jasna, nenasilna komunikacija.
Delavnica je namenjena predvsem
mladinskim delavcem_kam, trenerkam_jem, fasilitatorjem_kam, izobraževalcem_kam in učiteljicam_em, vsekakor pa se nam lahko pridružite tudi ostali, ki vas vsebina zanima in bi od nje lahko nekaj odnesli. Imejte v mislih, da je za nemoten potek aktivnosti potrebna aktivna participacija (to ni predavanje). Izvedba bo v angleščini.
*Delavnica je pripravljena v okviru sofinanciranega Erasmus+ projekta 'Key(s) for Change', Madžarske organizacije Egyesek, in je podprta s strani Zavoda Voluntariat.
**COVID-19: Trenutno imajo dogodki z edukativno noto zeleno luč, v vsakem primeru bomo upoštevali zadnje PCT pogoje (preboleli, cepljeni, negativni test, nošenje mask).
Title: Clear communication, emotional state and language awareness
When: Saturday the 29th of January
Location: To be announced, when applying
The main purpose of the workshop is to give space to participants to reflect on their delivery skills and learn from each other.
The two hours of the session are purposefully put together offering support with each phase of delivering a speech, presentation or session of any sort.
- sharing a message within a timeframe,
- reframing one’s emotional state,
- language use and clear, non-violent communication.
The workshop is aimed mainly to youth workers, trainers, facilitators, educators and teachers. Others may certainly apply if there is sincere interest in the subject and you think that you will be able to take something away from it. However in order for the activities to run smoothly, active participation is necessary (note that this is not a lecture). It will be delivered in English.
*This workshop is under the Erasmus+ funded project 'Key(s) for Change' created by the Hungarian association Egyesek and supported by Zavod Voluntariat.
**COVID-19: For now, events with educational purposes have a green light. In any case, we will ask you to comply with the PCT conditions (recovered, vaccinated, negative test, wearing mask).