Mistakes when writing a cover letter?

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If you want to make a more personal impression on the hiring manager when applying for a job, then you absolutely must include a cover letter with your CV.


A cover letter is a kind of introduction to the application, and is mainly intended to encourage the reader to read the CV further. Research in the field of work psychology shows that candidates who include a cover letter have a greater chance of being interviewed and hired than those who do not include a cover letter with their application.

  • You send the same cover letter to all employers:  
    Some job seekers have a universal cover letter template, changing only the company name and job title as needed. The hiring manager will almost certainly notice that you are sending a generic cover letter, which will send a clear signal that you are not truly interested in the position. Since every job is different, your cover letter should be tailored to the job. Take your time and prepare a new, relevant cover letter for each application.  
  • Cover letter that is too long: 
    your cover letter should be no longer than one page. Highlight your key skills and experiences that would make you a suitable candidate for the position. An application that is too long will turn off the employer or, worse, make the cover letter unreadable. This is especially likely if there are many candidates applying for the position and the employer simply does not have time to read it "all evening".
  • Your cover letter is too similar to your resume: 
    The purpose of a cover letter is not to summarize information from your CV, but rather to provide an in-depth presentation of your interest and highlight some of your most important skills and/or personal qualities. Therefore, do not repeat information in your cover letter, or worse, simply combine the two documents.
  • Spelling mistakes in the cover letter:
    Your job application should reflect your literacy and professionalism. Even if the position you are applying for does not require written communication, make sure your cover letter is grammatically correct. If you are not confident in your spelling skills, ask a friend or acquaintance for help.You are leaving out important information It often happens that candidates forget to include basic information in their cover letter that should be included in every official letter. It is essential to include your details (name and surname, address and postal code), specify the reason (job application), the recipient (employer), and where and when you wrote the cover letter.

Just as a cover letter can be your ticket to a job interview, it can also be the reason for rejection. It's important to avoid any mistakes that could get you in trouble. Check out the most common mistakes that could cost you the job.

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